Developing Games Using Unity

Most people pass time by playing computer games. Today, the computer game industry is billion dollar industry. Developing games is much more fun than playing games, and with a knowledge of programming, anyone can develop games. But today's games are very complex and sophisticated. Developing a good game from scratch is one of the most daunting tasks. Fortunately, we have many tools available at our disposle to develop games easily.

One such tool is Unity. Unity is one of the best tools for creating a blockbuster game. Whether you want to create a 2d game or a 3d game, you can create it easily using Unity. The great thing about Unity is that it can create games for multiple platforms. You write the code of your game once and make the executables for different platforms (desktop, Android, iOS, TV, Web etc). There are various programming langugages you can use to develop games using Unity, like (C#, JavaScript etc.). Unity also contains various components to help you develop games easily like physics enginw and built-in animator for creating animation, to name a few.

If you are using Unity for the first time, it looks quite daunting. But there are many tutorials available over the internet. If you are willing to spend some money, you can download the tutorials from The tutorials are not free. You have to take the subscription. But there are some great tutorials on this site for you to learn Unity. If you are serious about developing games, then I highly recommend you learn Unity.

To show you the power of Unity, I myself have created a game in Unity. It's a very simple 2D game but you see how little I have to code to create a game like this. If I would have to make this game using any other programming language, then I would have to code approx 1000 lines. You can use this game as a starting point for yourself to learn Unity. If you want to check the game, you can click on the link below.
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