Develop Games Easily Using Unity

Game development is as interesting as playing the game. Nowadays, there are various tools to develop the games. Some tools are easy to learn, while others are quite difficult to learn. Although I would not say, it is one of the easiest, the learning curve of the Unity is quite high. For beginners, it looks like a daunting task to develop games using Unity,  but it is quite easy.

I started using  Unity some time back. In the beginning, it looked quite daunting but as I became comfortable with the basics of Unity, I found it quite easy to develop games, especially some classic games like Pong, Pacman etc.
The best part of Unity is that the coding is reduced drastically. For example, if one has to develop a game like Pacman, using C++ or C, then one has to do a lot of coding, which is quite time consuming and a tedious task but with Unity; a basic template of the game is readily available for use. Sometimes you just have to change some parts of the template in order to create a whole game. One of the great features of Unity is that you can make scenes by using drag and drop functionality. This functionality makes the scene setup quite easy. Just drag and drop all the game components and put it in the scene. 
I myself created a very famous and classic game called Pong. You can see the lines of source code are much less. If you want to check out the game, please follow the link given below.
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