Creating An Azure Mobile App Using PHP


  • Microsoft Account

Creating a new mobile application in PHP using Azure Portal.

Step 1

Sign in to your Microsoft Azure Portal.

Step 2

In the Jump bar, click New button. Then, click Web + Mobile >> Mobile App.

Step 3

In the next window that contains a form, specify the desired configuration for the Web+Mobile account (App name, location, and Resource group), and click "Pin to dashboard".

Finally, click Create.

Step 4

Then, the successful deployment notifications shows up. Now, open the Mobile App and go to Application Settings.

Step 5

Select your PHP version and save it.

Step 6

Now, your mobile app will run on PHP Version using Azure.

Step 7

Finally, click the web app that is pinned to the dashboard and install the Mobile app to design for your needs.


Application is created successfully on Azure using PHP. Please feel free to comment and give suggesstions.