Creating a Chart on ASP. NET 4.0

       Creating a Chart on ASP. NET 4.0

Steps of Creating a Chart

Step 1: Open  Microsoft Visual Studio 4.0

Step2: Select File->>New ->>Website


Step3: Select ASP. NET Empty Web Site


Step4: Add New Item


Step5: Select Item Web Form


Step6 : Drag the chart from data from the toolbox to the design form and drop there.

Choose your graph like pie , column , bubble etc.

Here for example we take a Column Chart.


Step 7: Go to a source panel of a chart and write a coding there as per requirement.

For example the code is given below

Here is the code using Script:


    <form id="form1" runat="server">

    <div<asp:DataPoint AxisLabel="Information Technology" YValues="50" />

                                                <asp:DataPoint AxisLabel="Computer Science" YValues="15" />

                                                <asp:DataPoint AxisLabel="Mechanical " YValues="30" />

                                                <asp:DataPoint AxisLabel="Electronics" YValues="40" />





                        <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea">








The output of the code is give below:







As the Chart is a good approach to understand the organization. So it is an important tool to implement in the project. To make the analysis of an organization effective. 

Next Recommended Reading How to create Chart in ASP.NET