Comparison Between CMS, A Blog, And Online Site Builder

CMS, Blog, and Online Site Builder are three different products, each one used for website creation and content management. Although a fine line of symmetry can be observed between these three items, there are some distinct differences between them.

What is CMS?

CMS stands for Content Management System. It is an application that is used for generating, editing, managing, searching, and publishing different kinds of digital media and e-text. CMS is a platform for managing content of a website. CMS runs in the background of a website and contributes in storing, managing, as well as in publishing the content of the website. Different types of CMS platforms are used for web designing, like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc.

What is a blog?

Blog is the short form of weblog. It is basically maintained by an individual with periodical entries of commentary, assorted materials like descriptions, graphics, video, images, etc. In a blog, entries are done in chronologically reverse order, and it is mostly a personalized micro-site where an individual expresses personal views of something of his/her interest. Blogs allow visitors to interact with the blog owner.

What is a website builder?

Website builder is an online proprietary tool, mostly offered by web hosting companies. It is meant for people who want to publish their website without learning intricate technical aspects of web page production. A website builder does not have any scope to add interaction facility with its visitors unless you add the blog facility there.

Website builder vs. CMS

A site builder tool offers all e-commerce functionality by picking the options and toggling them between ON/OFF within an admin panel. It remains easy and organized for uploading products that will be sold online via the website. However, expert web developers prefer to build a website with CMS because the add-on plugins help in making the website superbly as well as comprehensively functional. CMS websites are free but website builder tools charge a prefixed monthly rate depending on the requirement. This cost consists of the cost of hosting, upgrades, and additional development.

CMS vs. Blog

A CMS (Content Management System) is a structure that permits any number of people to manage a wide range of content on a site, generally including articles, advertisements,design, etc.

A Blog is fundamentally a subsection of a CMS that has been dedicated typically for a few people to post articles easily, typically allowing comments from visitors. Some blogging engines are somehow as flexible as most CMSs and are found different than globally famous CMSs because of their specified intent.

It is good to understand the advantages of using these three products before planning for a website. An expert web developer can use the tools with their optimum advantages.

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