, Microsoft's Open Source platform

Microsoft has finally launched a much awaited new stand alone organization for open source contribution and development.

codeplex-foundation-logo_3.gif Mission statement

"The mission of the CodePlex Foundation is to enable the exchange of code and understanding among software companies and open source communities."

The organization is totally independent of Microsoft and is launched under 501(c)(6) which categorizes it as a "business league devoted to the improvement of business conditions of one or more lines of business. It is not engaged in any regular business typically carried on by for-profits."

The goals and vision are according to the mindset of directors and the contributors. Among it board members are some of the very well known such as

Phil Haack Microsoft and  Scott Hanselman Microsoft.

It will be run by the foundation partners and contributors but how will it differentiate itself from other open source platforms or what difference will it make for .Net developers / professionals or for Microsoft itself.

Their are varying prospective, To me it will bring a balance to the development using Microsoft technologies as .Net professional and to Microsoft itself as an organization which is to offer its support for community as a whole rather than having only a profit centric approach.

This step will also help to bridge a gap between open source developers and .Net developers.

Microsoft is taking several steps to make .Net platform acceptable to all communities and inclusion of several addins and welcoming of several third party efforts into the development environment like Asp.Net Mvc are good examples and CodePlex will support this effort further.

Microsoft is probably determined to grab its lost share online. It has made several moves to improve its position in the long run by yahoo merger and the launch of Bing
It is good news though for me as .Net developers. Only reason for open source success like java related technologies is that they are open source. Now Microsoft has decided to be open source as well to some extents. This means you pay for a standard licence for Visual studio and then keep on adding libraries and tool kits free of cost. This thing is already going on with some of the successful java based development platforms such as Intellij. Let’s hope it is positive for all of us in development and client domain

All philosophies welcome and you may participate in the poll Open Source development Contributions if you wish

Further links
CodePlex on twitter

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