Check out this Microsoft Blog

If you haven't already visited the blog of Wes Dyer, a member of the C# compiler team at Microsoft, you owe yourself the favor of clicking the following link:

Wes Dyer's MSDN Blog

In this blog, Wes actively posts the latest experiments of the C# compiler team, and explains much of the rationale behind the new language features as he explores their implications with samples of the new 3.0 programming paradigm daily.

Wes is particularly insightful when the topic is the functional programming foundation upon which LINQ is based. Watching the mind of an engineer like Wes work on a problem is inspiring; he engages problems with a mixture of humility and confidence that of itself speaks volumes about where he is.

While Anders Heljsberg remains "my hero" so to speak as a living role model in the industry, Wes is rapidly moving higher in my list of engineers whose mastery of the craft motivates me to take my skills to the next level. I hope you find his blog as stimulating and informative as I do.

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