Brief Introduction About WordPress

WordPress enables users to build dynamic websites. Users can edit, update and manage its content, using the Content Management System (CMS) provided by WordPress.

Content Management System

It is a computer application that's used to create and modify its content,  by using common user interface. Multiple users can work simultaneously, using this interface.

WordPress Developers: WordPress Foundation
Released On : May 27,2003
Operating Systems : Cross-platform
Platform : PHP

Step 1: Download WordPress

Download the WordPress folder from this link.

Download Page
Figure 1: Download Page

After downloading this folder, you will see 3 type of folders:

  1. WP-admin
  2. WP-content
  3. WP-includes

And also, the PHP scripts of index page, configuration page and its dependencies are there in the same folder.


The WP-admin folder contains the URL link for content management system. The admin can login via this URL example:, using the user name and password.


This folder contains the themes, plugins and their dependencies. The theme folder contains the web site theme. By default, this folder contains two themes. If the user needs new theme, he/she can download the WordPress themes from available website and install it in WordPress theme folder.


This folder contains the media files and uploaded content files.

Step 2: Install WordPress in IIS

We had downloaded the WordPress folder, already. Now, we are going to install it on IIS.

Add web site
Figure 2: Add website

Go to IIS->sites-> right click and choose Add Web Site..

Then, the following window will appear.

Bind the wordpress folder
Figure 3: Bind the WordPress folder

Mention the site name and choose the path of your directory. Then, mention the IP address. Finally, hit OK to add a new web site.

Figure 4: WordPress

Now, your site appears under the sites section.

Browse the wordpress site.
Figure 5: Browse the WordPress site.

In IIS' right hand panel, choose browse web site. Then, your WordPress site viewed in browser.

Step 3: Configuration

In browser, first it configures the admin setup using file config.

config file of wordpress
Figure 6: config file of WordPress

Choose the language here. I choose English(United states) and then, press continue.

After that, WordPress welcome window will open. Just click let's go button.

The following window will appear:

Data base initialization file.
Figure 7: Data base initialization file.

Enter the database name, user name and password for database(if your MySQL database has its password, mention it, otherwise leave it blank). Finally, hit the Submit button.

Ready to go

Following window will appear to ask if you are ready to access the WordPress site. Click on the Run the install button.

Ready to go
Figure 9: Ready to go

Another window will open. In the following window mention the site name, user name and password. You can check the checkbox, if you want to use a weak password.

Enter your email and leave the checkbox of search engine visibility as blank.

Then, hit the Install WordPress button.
Mention Information
Figure 10: Mention Information

After you hit the Install WordPress button, the following window will open.

In the following window, click Log in button to login to the admin panel.

success window.
Figure 11: Success window.

In login window, enter the username and password you already created.

Figure 12: Login

After login, you have to see the dashboard of admin panel.

Admin DashBoard
Figure 13: Admin Dashboard

Choose themes
Figure 14: Choose themes

In appearance, choose themes option to choose your site theme.

Themes panel
Figure 15: Themes panel

Here, I have selected the default theme as Twenty Fourteen - > then, hit Activate to active the theme for your site.

Visit Site.
Figure 16: Visit Site.

After activating the theme, you will find the site name with home icon at top of your dashboard. In that, choose visit site.

Your site
Figure 17: Your site

Now, your site is ready.

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