Advantages of generics

Advantages of generics

Performance :

            One of the big advantages of generics is performance. Using value types with non – generic collection classes results in boxing and unboxing when the value type is converted to a reference type and vice versa.


Using ArrayList class :

  ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

  list.Add(44); // boxing - convert a value type to a reference type

  int i1 = (int)list[0]; // unboxing - convert a reference type to a value type

  foreach (int i2 in list)


     Console.WriteLine(i2); // unboxing



Using generics List<T> class :

  List < int > list = new List < int > ();

  list.Add(44); // no boxing - value types are stored in the List < int >

  int i1 = list[0]; // no unboxing, no cast needed

  foreach (int i2 in list)





Type Safety :

Another feature of generics is type safety. As with the ArrayList class, if objects are used, any type can be added to this collection. This example shows adding an integer, a string , and an object of type MyClass to the collection of type ArrayList.

  ArrayList list = new ArrayList();



        list.Add(new MyClass());           

Now if this collection is iterated using the following foreach statement, which iterates using integer elements, the compiler accepts this code. However, because not all elements in the collection can be cast to an int, a runtime exception will occur. 

      foreach (int i in list)





Errors should be detected as early as possible. With the generic class List<T>, the generic type T defines what type are allowed. Which a definition of List<int>, only integer type can be added to the collection. The compiler doesn't compile this code because the Add() method has invalid arguments.

       List < int > list = new List < int > ();


       stringList.Add("mystring");// compile time error

       list.Add(new MyClass()); // compile time error


Binary Code Reuse :

            Generics allow better binary code reuse. A generic class can be defined once and can be instantiated with many different types.

  List < int > list = new List < int > ();


        List < string > stringList = new List < string > ();


        List < MyClass > myclassList = new List < MyClass > ();

        myClassList.Add(new MyClass());


Generic types can be defined in one language and used form any other .NET language.

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