Why Should We Use AngularJS In Projects?

This is my first blog on AngularJS and in this blog, we are going to discuss about AngularJS. When we talk about Angularjs, there are some questions, which will arise in our minds like.
  • What is AngularJS?
  • Why do we require AngularJS? If we already have  lot of client side scripting language like JavaScript, jQuery and nodejs etc.
  • How to use AngularJS in our project?
Thus, today we are going to highlight these mentioned questions.

In simple words, Angularjs is a binding framework, which will bind our UI(HTML code) and JavaScript object in very simple manner. It follows MVW architechture, where MVW stands for:
  • M stands for Model(JavaScript object).
  • V stands for View(HTML element).
  • W stands for Whatever (Angular binding code).
In today's world, lots of companies use AngularJS. There is a site, madewithangular.com, which contains a list of the popular sites which are developed by AngularJS.

Advantages of angularJS
  • Dependency Injection.
  • Angular is declarative.
  • Two way data binding
  • Testing is very easy.
  • Model view controller.
  • Data models are POJO(Plain old JavaScript object)
  • Directives.
  • Filters, service provider etc.
  • To develop SPA(single page Application).
Thus, these are advantageous, which makes Angular popular and demandable. To use AngularJS in the project, we need to include Angularjs script file in our project. These files will be available at the link, given below:.


In this link, you can download 1.x or 2.0 version of download. I am very thankful to you for reading my blog and giving your valuable time.
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