Adding Reference to WPF Toolkit Extended Assembly

Adding Reference to WPF Toolkit Extended Assembly

This blog is referenced in several of my articles. 

To use a control that is defined in the WPF Toolkit Extended, you must add reference to the WPFToolkit.Extended.dll assembly. You can download Extended WPF Tookit from the CodePlex or you can use the WPFToolkit.Extended.dll available with this download. All you need is the DLL. 

After downloading the WPFToolkit.Extended.dll, you can add reference to your project by right clicking on the project name in Visual Studio, select Add Reference and browse the DLL.  

See Figure 1. 


Figure 1

Once the assembly reference is added, the next step is to import the namespace in XAML using the xmlns. As soon as you type xmlns in XAML you should see the option in the list. See Figure 2. If you do not see this URL, please read the next section.



Figure 2

Unblocking the WPF Toolkit Assembly

If an assembly reference is not added to your project correctly, you will see the following message when you build your application.

Unable to load the metadata for assembly 'WPFToolkit.Extended' 

You get this message when try to add reference to the Extended WPF Toolkit to a project and build the project.  The problem here is when you download an assembly from a Website, it is block by default. All you need to do is, unblock the assembly. 

Right click on the DLL and click Unblock button. 

See Figure 3.   


Figure 3

Remove and add reference again in your project to reflect the changes.

Next Recommended Reading WPF Toolkit Download