Adding Custom Variables in Activity workflow

Create a new QName and add this into properties parameter collection.

QName customVariable = QName.createQName("MyCustomVariable");
parameters.put(customVariable, "MyCustomVariableValue");

Reading the custom workflow variable during updateTask () method.

WorkflowInstance workflowInstance = workflowTask.getPath().getInstance();
String workflowId =workflowInstance.getId();
int colonIndex = workflowId.indexOf("$");
String executionId = workflowId.substring(colonIndex+1);
String MyCustomVariableValue=(String) getRuntimeService().getVariable(executionId, "MyCustomVariable");

Add the below private method to get activitiRuntimeService bean from bean factory.

private RuntimeService getRuntimeService()


if (this.activitiRuntimeService == null)


this.activitiRuntimeService = beanFactory.getBean("activitiRuntimeService", RuntimeService.class);


return this.activitiRuntimeService;


Activity Runtime service is used to get the custom workflow variable from a workflow instance.

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Activiti workflow deployment in alfresco