11Things about JavaScript functions every .NET Developer Should Know Join the Webinar on 15th May 3 PM India time

Register for the webinar here

Continuing its vision to make developers better and well educated, Infragistics is happy to host one more webinar for the developers in the India time zone. Usually webinars are hosted in the EST, and most of the developers from the Indian subcontinent are not able to join that due to the time constraints. To help the developers from the subcontinent Infragistics is bringing this webinar.

I am happy that I will be hosting the webinar

1 Things about JavaScript Functions Every .NET Developer Should Know

Webinar is on 15th May at 3 PM IST for 60 minutes.

About the topic

JavaScript is one of the most powerful and misunderstood development languages – but in this webinar, I will walk you through everything you need to know about functions in JavaScript, including.

  • JavaScript functions as an expression or a statement.
  • Return statements and parameters in JavaScript functions.
  • The Arguments object.
  • Scopes in JavaScript.
  • Function as constructor.
  • This keyword in JavaScript .
  • Nested functions.
  • The call() and the apply() methods, and more.

.NET developers and those who are new to JavaScript are welcome; much of the presentation will be demo-based and we will be writing code to understand the concepts discussed.

Register for the webinar here

I am excited to see you on 15th may in the webinar. Happy coding.