10 advices to become a Microsoft or Mindcracker MVP

Hello Authors,

I have listed down couple of advice's based on my experience. These may help you to become a Microsoft or Mindcracker MVP.

1.       Write regularly

2.       Write Original contents

3.       Target advanced readers also. Out of 10 of your articles try to write 2 of level 400.

4.       Answer in forums

5.       Do not post same article on multiple sites. You may get considered as spammer

6.       Target latest of technologies. Out of 10 at least 3 should be targeting very of latest.

7.       Create your style of writing. I started the way of step1, step2 like that with load of images. Try to create your own style of writing and that helped me lot to fetch Microsoft MVP.

8.       If possible grab opportunity to either attend or speak in local Microsoft and Mindcracker user group meetings or code camp.

9.       Focus on one technology. Because you get Microsoft MVP award in a particular technology.

10.   Fill your MVP nomination form very carefully. At get nominated by right channel.

Good luck every one.

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