Ever Green

Ever Green

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How to count specific letterr in a string?

Nov 11 2009 4:20 PM
I Created a windows application in c#.net and I wanna count specific character in a string for example i wanna count how many "g" in "Debugging" string:
Someting is wrong with the Substring().I debugged it and i saw it is only check the first character of the string. Any help??


private void btnclick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int lettercount = 0;
const string strtext = "Debugging";
string letter;

for (int i = 0; i < strtext.Length; i++)
letter = strtext.Substring(0,1);

if (letter == "g")

textBox1.Text = "g appears" + lettercount + " " + "times";


"g appears 0 times"

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