
Configuring Combo boxes

Lalit Kumar Barik

Lalit Kumar Barik

Feb 12 2009 11:04 PM
I am using a few combo boxes in my form and have set the DropDownStyle property set to DropDownList. I want to expand i.e. show ALL options when the control gets focus (similar to presing the F4). Also some entries of my list have a greater width then the width at design time. I want to display the entire entries based on the width when the control gets focus. I also want to implement autocomplete feature in my combo boxes so that the user can continue typing and only matching entries gets displayed. But when I type the second alphabet the entry which begins with that alphabet is getting selected. I have done all this and more in VisualBasic 6 using API calls, but when it comes to C# 2005, I am clueless. I request members in helping me with this.

Most of the Comboboxes of my form have fixed entries, but in some others I want to display unique values from a table. How do I go about this?

Thank you.

Lalit Kumar Barik

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