Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders

By Hussain Patel on Sep 30 2016
Mouse without Borders is a product that makes you the captain of your computer fleet by allowing you to control up to four computers from a single mouse and keyboard. This means that with Mouse without Borders you can copy text or drag and drop files across computers.
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Mouse Without Borders is a Microsoft Garage project by Truong Do. Garage projects are side projects that Microsoft employees like Truong build for fun on their nights and weekends. Mouse Without Borders was designed for people who use many computers in the same room. For example, a laptop or tablet that you take to meetings might sit right alongside the desktop PC in your office.
Below is the link for complete details and download.
Please give complete credit to Microsoft Garage projects team. - Truong Do. I am just sharing what I got while browsing on Microsoft website.




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