Windows & Tools (PIC)

By Raju Grewal on Oct 17 2011
With Windows 7 Tools (PIC) allow you to change manufacture company logo from properties window of computer.
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When user right click on computer icon on desktop or in start menu (or from some were else), then a
popup menu shows. In this popup menu if user clicks on last option which is Properties, then a window shows In some computers we look a logo of Manufacture Company in this.
With Windows 7 Tools (PIC) you can easily change this logo.
How to Run Windows 7 Tools (PIC)
Click on any image. Your selected image will show Left bottom side. After it, click on Install Image
button. Then a message box will display.
Now computer’s property logo has been changed.
Windows 7 Tools (PIC) is copyright protected. Windows 7 Tools (PIC) is not for sale, it is 100% free. You cannot modify Windows 7 Tools (PIC).
Developed by
Raju Grewal
Contact number: +91 9915438430
Email id: [email protected]
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